Pajín call older women “continue to build citizenship”

The Minister of Health, Social Policy and Equality, Leire Pajin, call older women “continue to build citizenship” because, he said at the opening of Congress ‘The opportunities of the age: Wise Women’, the Spanish society needs all the potential “of these people.

Pajin, who was accompanied at the inauguration by President of the Federation of Progressive Women and Second Deputy State Council of Women, Yolanda Besteiro, and President of the State Council of Elders, Luis Martin, has highlighted the contribution of women over sixty years the democratic state-building and Welfare.
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So, has said that society owes a debt “insaldable” with these generations of women born in the 40 and 50, “in a gray Spain” because based on “silent revolution” got “new rights”. “You have given us a free and open society,” he said.

For its part, has affected Besteiro that “if anyone needs to be put in value in this society where the youth as the ideal raw” are older women, who put the “face of poverty.” “We claim age as an opportunity for all women over the years have seen their needs have been neglected,” he said.

In addition, the Senior Council spokesman has stressed that the company “still needs” to older women, who “have to continue to provide” both their families and to all citizens. In this sense, invited to participate in major associations and volunteer programs for these women.
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Older Women’s Congress will be held throughout the day at the Palacio de Congresos de Madrid and will be closed on Tuesday in a ceremony prior to the conclusion, at the same venue, the International Women’s Day, this March 8 also plays a century.

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Or 10 seconds for emergency

95.8% of users were very or fairly satisfied with the care of 061, and the balance of 2010, this 24-hour emergency care at hospital emergency and gives them the right. Last year, the phone Urxencias Public Health Foundation of Galicia-061 improved their service times, reducing response time to calls for health care demand less than 10 seconds in nearly 90% of cases. The fastest time possible, according to the Department of healing, thanks to a better sizing of the system both in terms of personnel responsible for answering calls and the system used.
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The application designed by the foundation 061 includes a module for the telemarketer and an automatic classification system that supports calls to call center workers in data collection and provides a first classification of the claims.

The greater speed is not the only achievement of 2010. The coordinating center 061 also reached a record low of 1.5%, missed calls, that occur at specific moments in which you can register an avalanche of demands for health care, as accidents with multiple victims or weather effects.
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In total, the service attended last year more than a million calls, with a daily average of 2,783. He did so from its headquarters in Santiago de Compostela, whose facilities visited yesterday the director of Health Care of Servizos Galego de Saúde (Sergas), Nieves González Domínguez.

From this hub depart resource mobilization orders to anywhere in the autonomous region. Currently has 10 ambulances stationed between A Coruña, Lugo, Ourense, Pontevedra, Santiago, Vigo, Ferrol Foz, plus another in Sanxenxo in summer.

The service also provides assistance of 101 ambulances belonging to the Rede Urxente Transportation Health, which if necessary can be medicalized primary care professionals. The set is completed by two helicopters medicalized, based in Santiago de Compostela and Ourense. The Department also do Mar offers the help of two helicopters when necessary.

Summer is one of the highlights of the year’s busiest for the 061. In August he reached the 91,806 calls, although the peak was registered in December (95,686), followed by January (92,443).

On the other side of the phone, and the care delivered to any place in Galicia, who make possible the service are the people who make up the 061. And beyond the actual assistance they provide, these approved with note as to humane treatment: 96.4% of users considered that the treatment is good or very good.

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Spain successfully performed the first autologous blood

Alba Ramirez has four years and is the first Spanish woman to whom he makes an autologous blood. Thanks to stem cells from his umbilical cord, could rebuild the blood system of the child, damaged by the chemotherapy she underwent to destroy the remnants of a brain tumor had been removed previously.

The girl was submitted in June 2009 surgery for a medulloblastoma, a type of rare brain cancer at the Hospital Niño Jesús in Madrid, which is now known.
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After the operation, Alba received chemotherapy to shrink the remaining tumor, and then more intensive chemotherapy was applied to completely eliminate tumor cells.

But at this late stage, chemotherapy destroyed, as well as the remains of the tumor, the girl’s blood system, so we opted for the use of stem cells from his own umbilical cord to repair itself.

Luis Madero, head of the Child Jesus Oncohematology Hospital of Madrid, was responsible for the treatment of Alba and their subsequent monitoring. As stated above, this is a case “unique” in Spain.
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Currently, Dawn is well, but they have to spend still more than three years to be deemed to have fully overcome brain cancer that made him go through surgery and chemotherapy.

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Identified 13 new areas of DNA involved in the risk of ischemic heart disease

Researchers at the Research Institute Hospital del Mar (IMIM) in Barcelona have participated in an international study which has identified 13 new areas of DNA involved in the risk of ischemic heart disease.

With this finding, the areas or loci identified have risen to 25, although by the time these regions only account for 10% of the genetic factors associated with increased likelihood of myocardial infarction or angina pectoris.
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In a statement, IMIM stressed that the international study cardiogram 147,000 people have participated, divided into two phases, of which nearly 52,000 people were patients with a condition of this type.

The coordinator of the epidemiology and genetics research in cardiovascular IMIM and study co-author Roberto Elosua, explained that the new 13 areas identified, only three are associated with classic cardiovascular risk factors.

In each of these areas or loci is a genetic characteristic that indicates the excess cardiovascular risk and each person can have this genetic characteristic 0 times – not inherited – once – inherited from the father or the mother – or twice – inherited from both -.
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Researchers have indicated that each time there is a risk these genetic characteristics, the probability of ischemic heart disease increases by between 6% and 17%, although the overall risk is “small.”

In fact, it is estimated that genetic factors explain only 40% of the risk of ischemic heart disease in the population, a condition that is the main cause of death in industrialized countries and cause 36,000 deaths in Spain each year – up 9.3 % of Total -.

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The staff of the Xunta Povisa accused of discrimination

M. LOPEZ Povisa workers suspect that “something more” behind the conflict over late payments and close the new agreement between the Sergas and the hospital. “Here you are cooking something that we can not reach, this goes beyond a mere misunderstanding,” say representatives of the committee, trying to find an answer to the delay of the agreement to fix the concert the next few years, blame the Xunta de “discriminate against Povisa to be in Vigo.” This was asserted to questions from the media. “Pilar Farjas speaks from the top of Galicia and does not address the south when it came to Fatima never served us,” criticizes the delegate of UGT, Fernanda Lozoya. “If the hospital was in another city, this did not happen,” says a spokesman for CC OO, Javier Costas.
“To us all we have received is Lucy Barfield, nor the Regional Minister or the manager Sergas. And they should engage much more because this is a private company but attend to 147,000 patients Sergas” argues Lozoya. “With the new hospital, Povisa also be necessary”, he argues. From Commission recalls that “people keep coming to this facility despite the conflicts between management and the regional government.” “The satisfaction of patients exceeds 72%,” exemplifies Costas. His union colleague, Alicia Gonzalez, says that “the precarious Sergas can not users of this hospital.”
“We do not understand how the parties can not agree when they are supposed to be quite similar. We talked about a government that is for the private healthcare,” says the CEO of CC OO.
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The works council yesterday wanted to highlight publicly the “hostile work environment” and the situation of “stress and tension” that are suffering due to recent events: the threat of ERE, delays in the payroll or the “uncertainty about jobs with the new concert “which is still being negotiated.
Apart from analyzing the relationship between Povisa and Sergas – “we always hurt them,” lamented – and to give an account of the meeting held on Thursday, the delegate of the Xunta, the workers’ representatives also criticized decisions Povisa address. “They are doing shift changes by decree, without informing the committee, and are not covered low,” reveals Alicia Gonzalez, CC OO. IGC spokesman, Rafa Agras, adds that since last summer “has been downsized” to dispense with fifteen employees and move file “from 27 to 24 nurses in the emergency department.” “We do not understand why, having workload can not be eliminated jobs,” he says.
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Martinon ceases to be general director of SCS

Guillermo Martinón is no longer CEO of the Canary Islands Health Service (SCS). Yesterday, the regional government spokesman, Martin Marrero, advanced after the government board meeting that the termination occurs at the request of own Martinon, who is replaced by Juana Maria Reyes, until now director general assistance programs, liability will Ilda Sanchez exercise.
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The cabinet spokesman Paulino Rivero led explained that the record contained no explanation of the reasons that led to the now former director to leave office, although they appear against the backdrop of the controversy arising out of the hemodialysis service award Doctor Negrin hospital and Dr. Jose Molina to the estate Lifeblood and the latest related to the distribution of the additional productivity among members of the staff in charge of sick leave. Indeed, that case was that the name of Martinon was heard earlier this week in the regional chamber, when the current health minister, Fernando Banyoles, he carried the responsibility of distribution of bonuses, distribution, according to the nationalist, the occurred before took office in place of Mercedes Roldós, an end that would deny the same parliamentary session. In any case, former director Bañolas kept in office following the departure of that, which has attracted criticism from the ranks of the Socialist Party.
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In this regard, Marrero said the government canary “shares what was said by Banyoles’, since, in his view,” only said that he would have done differently. ” Further, the spokesman tried to downplay the issue and said that “everything that adjective” during the regional meet in the House was part of the discussions themselves of parliamentary bodies. “The Government does not seek to engage in polemics, nor assign responsibility” over.

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The regional administration calls “practical measures” to resolve the conflict health

The president of the Junta de Castilla y León, Juan Vicente Herrera, opted yesterday for trying to “solve practical measures” health generated conflict in the province of Palencia after the resignation of the coordinators of the rural health centers in protest the laying to rest the next day to make a call and that the rest will not be paid.

Herrera acknowledged that the regional administration is “concerned” about this situation generated because “it is in their own professional satisfaction in their work and, ultimately, to the attention of those schools, especially in rural areas, where the coordinators are essential work. ” However, he recalled that the Board is applying to the working day, in this case, the health centers Palencia, “the binding indication of a conviction by a court of justice,” reports Ical.
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The conflict also referred health the health minister, Francisco Javier Alvarez Guisasola, who said that the regional government will not consider claims of doctors in rural Palencia because it is bound by a sentence and do not apply “would be an insult.” During a visit to the newly remodeled and expanded health center in Medina de Pomar (Burgos), the head of the Community in this field in Palencia said “no problem” and explained that what happens is that “the judgments we may like or not, but you have to comply because if not incurred in contempt. “
Backup SATSE
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For its part, the union SATSE Palencia showed yesterday his “support and backing” to the nursing managers and medical coordinators and said the manager Primary wants to enforce judgments Palencia “no rules exist to ensure working conditions and remuneration of health professionals. ” In a statement, the union considers “intolerable” the manager “to take decisions outside the regulatory framework” of the Community during the pendency of the modification of Working Time Act.

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Faith enters the baby contracted salmonella from milk intake

PILAR G. THE VALENCIA BURGO Hugo Sánchez Alcántara, the baby of the month and a half Burjassot, which has developed a supposedly salmonellosis associated with an intake of infant formula was yesterday admitted to the hospital La Fe did not improve their health, according to this newspaper his father, Victor Sanchez, who said doctors decided to keep the child under observation to see your progress.
“What we’re going on this month and a half not wish it on anyone,” declared the boy’s father, who on Thursday filed a complaint against Ordesa Laboratories, makers of the product that allegedly may have triggered the infection process in the infant.
Victor Sanchez said yesterday that he received a call from an official laboratory in which he indicated that the infection could not be attributed to milk consumption. “I sent an email on Wednesday telling them what was happening but they have contacted me when they saw a news item published in Levante-EMV,” he added.
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Victor said the company’s partner asked for the bottle of milk to make a study in which he refused. “I will go to the end-stressed, because my son have only fed the milk and water Bezoya.”
Moreover, Ordesa Laboratories announced yesterday that the February 4 withdrew voluntarily and preventive Lot 236 of its product Blemil Forte Plus 1 800 grams, by detecting an alteration in some cans for lack of tightness, an initiative by the company responds “to the strict protocol that implements Ordesa Laboratories for any possible change in the quality of the products.”
Ordesa has reported that currently there is no any product in the market for this set and is “virtually no possibility that a child can consume.” The company noted that all product testing conducted to date by independent laboratories have tested negative, “indicating total absence of pathogens.” Also, the results of the samples analyzed by the Carlos III Health Institute have also been negative.
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The laboratory is reminded that reported promptly to the national and regional health authorities, pharmacists, physicians and consumers. Ordesa withdrew 70% of the boats but 30% was sold in pharmacies. Health associated an outbreak of salmonella in infants with the consumption of this milk.

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urged to prescribe generic Farjas despite the suspension of the catalog

The full Constitutional Court (TC) has accepted for consideration on appeal by the Government of Spain against the Law of rationalization of spending on pharmaceutical services in Galicia. This means the immediate cessation of drug application catalog, which began operating in the community on January 3, for a maximum period of five months. Yesterday was communication to the presidents of the regional government and parliament, and when it is published in the Government Gazette -In a matter of days, this resolution shall take effect officially.

The response of the Department of Sanidade not long in coming. Pilar Farjas directly blamed the prime minister, Zapatero, to go against “Da Vontade two Galician, two political appointees two Galician, for institutions that give injecting drug users, and gives both Vontade two patients and two doctors’. Not only that, but exempted the Constitution of the suspension, since the high court “prune non facer cousa outra”, as it simply transmits an order “non valuation” following a decision by Zapatero.
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From now on, the Department of Sanidade are a range of ways to make the catalog is back in force and will exhaust all of them. The legal services of the Regional Government and are working to apply the TC within claims to shorten the period of suspension of the law.

On the other hand, taking into account that describes this decision solely Farjas policy, maintain the path of negotiation with the central government to “There was another year in calquera Conduto and withdrawn bo da request suspension”. In fact, the president of the Xunta and requested a meeting in Madrid and the Regional Minister on Thursday reiterated the minister that the decision to suspend the catalog “non be put next to or two Galician two interests.”
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Once paralyzed the catalog, “because we SUMMIT a lei”, said the Regional Minister, this was a specific request to the patients ‘request to continue Xener’ and doctors ‘To continue prescribindo to máis efficient alternative, co pride in knowing that Graz is giving eels Galicia an exemplar in Spain “. The regional government hopes that the savings are kept by the exercise of responsibility, “Either he ruled from Spain via xudicial pola intervir prune, but thoroughly non Vontade two Galician ea.”

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Deputy Uxue Barkos, intervened ‘well’ with breast cancer

Surgical intervention that has been made this morning the deputy and NaBai spokesman in the city of Pamplona, Uxue Barkos, to remove a breast, concluded “satisfactorily.” A statement issued by the coalition states that Barker underwent surgery at the Hospital de Navarra, has already been transferred to the ward, where he will continue his recovery.

It was last Monday when Navarre policy sent a public notice informing of his illness, confirmed that shortly after a press conference convened by NaBai previously to deal with other matters. “This will cure” she said, explaining that this claim was “the most beautiful reflection” with whom he had met since he knew he had to be operated in a “little bump” detected in a routine.

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Confident of success from the start

Barkos highlighted so that the chances of success “have everything to do with different protocols that allow attack disease at its best”, some protocols framed in prevention campaigns such as that if it possible to detect the disease, what he wanted “to insist on a call from health officials in such matters.”

Pending the time to mark the doctors now serving in the public school, Barker himself has expressed his “desire to be the earliest start up again, although he has acknowledged that” the pace is going to decide what treatment have to make. ” Minutes after this public hearing were numerous messages of support and encouragement from across the political spectrum came to the newsrooms of the media, and personally received calls itself an MEP including the president of the Community of Madrid, Esperanza Aguirre a few days ago who has gone through a similar situation.

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